There is no one who is spared by the claws of this historical pandemic of Covid 19. Be it financial stress, mental stress or health related stress, each one of us has experienced either or all of these mental pangs.
Among students it has become difficult to adjust with the online mode of education. Independent men and women are striving to strike the work life balance. In short, everyone is stressing over something or the other.
Rehabilitation centres in Mumbai have noted a sharp increase in cases of anxiety and other mental health disorders including OCD.
One major mental health advocate said – “If you carry a perceived or real threat that this pandemic has over our personal safety, health and lives, it very much can be considered a traumatic event.”
Following observations have been made in various surveys done with different groups of people:
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Fear of catching the disease
- Anger issues
- Changes in routine (including food and sleep)
- Hypervigilance (a state of increased alertness accompanied by behavior that aims to prevent danger)
One of the most important guiding factors in these feelings is the need for distancing. Physical distancing has led to a mental distancing, which has further led to feelings of isolation in people. However, lockdown and social distancing are inevitable solutions to the pandemic, therefore, we can only advise on dealing with its consequences instead of removing the cause.
A sharp rise is also seen in drug consumption, even after hindrances in supply due to the national lockdown, as noted by drug addiction rehabilitation centres in India.
But do we realise that owing to the fear of one disease, we can give way to other diseases by either consuming drugs or leaving our mental health unchecked?
Because of unchecked mental health, disorders like OCD have been on the surface as well. We are going mad about getting rid of germs. Advisories about frequent hand washing might lead to an obsession with cleaning, making the patient to take compulsive actions of washing hands and sanitizing to such an extent that it hampers the daily functioning of life.
OCD is triggered with the change in lifestyle as well. When people are accustomed to a certain place or way of life, it becomes an obsession for them to compulsorily continue to live that way.
Rehabilitation centres in Mumbai have become more important than ever! The world is moving ahead and trying to get back to the normal, it’s time that we prepare ourselves to enter the world with utmost sanity.
Join detoxification centres in India to move past your addiction habits and rehabilitation centres for finding the best treatment for your psychiatric issues. The physical and mental consequences of letting these evils make home in your body will be beyond recoverable if treatment isn’t done in time.
Sunshine Rehabilitation Center is the leading drug addiction rehabilitation centres in India along with providing therapies for mental disorders. Reach out to them for tailor made treatment plans for leading a normal life!