
Rehabilitation to Recovery

rehab centres in Mumbai

Often, we see a lot of people around us who are suffering with physical and psychological effects of stress, past trauma, domestic violence, addictions, and several other evils. While others can support you, but the real motivation to break free from these setbacks must come from within. It is our spiritual strength that gives us the momentum to move ahead confidently and face the evils of a stress-laden world.

The individuals suffering from addictions should try to introspect and find the path to their liberation from the very experiences they have had and use them to their advantage during the recovery process. Remember that recovery is a gradual process and may take a while to renew yourself physically and spiritually. Today, several rehab centres in Mumbai provide efficient and long-term cure for the different types of addictions.

What exactly is Rehab?

The journey to an addiction free and healthy life is not an easy one neither is it quick. It requires a lot of commitment to gain the rewards of transformation from addiction to recovery.

The exact procedure for addiction rehabilitation will differ based on several factors. However, all addiction rehabilitation processes involve the below mentioned key aspects:

  • Evaluation: This stage comprises of a complete evaluation of the patient’s addiction including cause, symptoms, effects, etc. that will be used to carve a personalized treatment plan. During this stage, you can decide if this rehab centre fits your requirements and vice versa. You can ask the personnel all queries that you might have regarding the treatment methodologies, facilities, rehab programs, etc at the facility. In turn, the rehab centre will also question you about your problems and ask for certain diagnostic tests to determine the extent of damage to your body and psyche. This will help the medics to tailor an optimal treatment plan for your specific condition.

There are several rehabilitation centres in Mumbai with extensive rehab programs. It is important that you search for a program that best suits your needs to ensure that you are comfortable with the facility and can continue to take treatment till you recover completely.

Remember the following points about addiction and importance of rehabilitation.

-Addiction will affect you at all levels and it must be treated at the earliest for assured recovery.

-There is no specific treatment for all addictions. Treatment will vary based on the type, severity and effects of addiction.

-Mental conditions or infectious diseases are often associated with addictions and must be taken into account during treatment planning process.

-You must dedicate enough time to the treatment to overcome your addiction and bring about a holistic cure.

-Treatment plans may be revised based on the changing physical and psychological condition of the patient.

  • Detoxification: This is a stage where the unpleasantness begins in the sense that the patient and the medical professionals need to combat the severe withdrawal symptoms.

This stage is designed to eradicate all traces of drugs and alcohol from the body with the support of medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms associated with certain drugs.

The severity of the detox process will vary based on the physical makeup of the individual, type of drug and quantity consumed, duration of abuse, and involvement of any other addictions. There are innumerable rehab centres in Mumbai that offer efficient detox procedures to deal with bad effects of substance abuse.

  • Rehabilitation: This stage involves extensive therapy measures to rectify the drug-seeking impulses in the patients. After the initial detoxification, the rehabilitation process focuses on identifying the cause of addictions and addressing those issues. This involves individual therapy which includes introspection, impulse management skills, identify drug use triggers etc. They may have to undergo group therapy where they interact with individuals who went through similar problems and learn how they recovered from them. Family couseling may also be given to support the family of the addict to improve interpersonal relationships.


  • Recovery Process: In this stage, the patients are provided with support and guidance for the ongoing recovery while ensuring prevention of a relapse. Before departing from the rehab centre, the patient may need to meet with counsellors to discuss an aftercare plan. These follow-up plans may include couseling sessions, scheduled drug-testing, etc. to ensure that the patient recovers completely and returns back to normal life.

Being the most trusted rehabilitation centres in Mumbai, we consider it a moral responsibility to help the addiction afflicted community to rise above their weaknesses and combat the evil of addiction. Experts at Sunshine Wellness Centre are constantly working with our patients to plan the best rehab programs for them to ensure a long-term and effective cure. We will be more than happy to help you. So, call us now if you are struggling with addictions and aspiring for a complete recovery.


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